2019年12月7日,由清华大学五道口金融学院国家金融研究院国际金融与经济研究中心(CIFER)与清华大学金融科技研究院跨境数字资本研究中心(IDC)联合举办的 “2019国际贸易关系与全球化重构”学术研讨会(International Conference on International Trade Relations and Reforms in Globalization)在清华大学大礼堂隆重开幕。又是一年十二月,第二届国际贸易关系会议如期举行,本届会议一经发起就得到了多方热烈响应,近百位来自政界、学界和业界的专家学者从世界各地共赴盛会,共享学术之花。会议各会场共报名超过3000人次,共征集文章200余篇,志愿者投递简历近300份,发言嘉宾50余人,开幕式观众过千人。

中国WTO 研究会常务理事、对外经济贸易大学国际经济贸易学院教授崔凡指出,中美经贸关系将在下周面临两个重要的时间点:一个是12月10日,世界贸易组织上诉机构停摆;第二个是12月15日,美国可能将对新一批的中国商品加征关税。我们的谈判空间和底线,应该是一个使竞争中性和所有制中性相配合的体制。
English Version
The opening ceremony of the 2019 International Conference on International Trade Relations and Reforms in Globalization kicked off on December 7, 2019 at the Auditorium of Tsinghua University. The second year of the conference was held by Center for International Finance and Economics Research (CIFER) of Tsinghua NIFR and Research Center for International Digital Capital (IDC) of Tsinghua IFR, welcoming nearly 100 renowned scholars and 3000 audiences from all over the world.
Themed on "US-China Trade Dispute and World Order", the opening ceremony was hosted by Professor Ju Jiandong, Unigroup Chair Professor of Finance, Changjiang Scholar and Director of the Center for International Finance and Economics at the PBC School of Finance in Tsinghua University, After extending a warm welcome and expressing his sincere gratitude to the guests, Professor Ju invited Professor Zhou Hao to deliver the opening speech.
Zhou Hao, Associate Dean and Unigroup Chair Professor of Finance at Tsinghua PBCSF, pointed out that the proper settlement of trade dispute between China and the United States was important not only for both countries but also the whole world since they were the two largest economies in the world. Professor Zhou believed that innovations in economic theory would largely emerge after major dispute and crises. Although it was an anxious period, he was still excited about our academic growth. Without a doubt, today’s discussion on international trade dispute was critical for economic policy, innovation in theory, and various types of risk. At the end of the opening speech, Professor Zhou, on behalf of Tsinghua PBCSF and the National Institute of Financial Research at Tsinghua University (NIFR), wished the meeting a great success.
Next, Yao Yang, Chang jiang Scholar and Boya Chair Professor of Economics at the China Center for Economic Research (CCER) and the National School of Development (NSD) at Peking University, delivered a keynote speech entitled "China and the United States will not decouple". Professor Yao believed that China and the United States would not decouple for three reasons: 1. China was unwilling and was to decouple from the U.S. 2. American business was unwilling to decouple from China. 3. Other countries didn’t want it happen. Regarding US-China trade dispute, Professor Yao mentioned the “Four Buckets” framework from the “the US-China Trade Policy working Group Joint Statement": 1.The "Prohibited" Bucket: “Beggar Thy Neighbor” policies should be prohibited. 2. The “Bilateral Discussions and Adjustments” Bucket: a mutually beneficial bargain can be worked out between the two nations that entails the removal of the policies in question. 3.The “Domestic Adjustments” Bucket: implementing appropriate self-protection measures in the face of adverse external influences. 4. The “Multilateral Governance” Bucket. In this situation, China should adhere to its own political policy, history and culture and adapt to the new role since China was the second largest economy in the world and a special developing country. In the end, Professor Yao gave detailed answers to questions from the audiences, such as the decoupling of technology, the influence from the American business on the formulation of US government policies, and the green transformation.
Subsequently, Professor Ju pointed out in a keynote speech entitled "Main Conflicts, Basic Contradictions, Strategies and Tactics of US-China Trade Dispute "that the core issue of the current US-China trade dispute was how the world order evolved. China was facing two basic Contradictions: one was the contradiction between the tri-polar economic structure and the dollar-led currency system, and the other was between the tri-polar economic structure and the US-led governance system. The global economic foundation revealed that 60% of the other countries were the key to US-China trade dispute, which was the third-country effect.
Professor Ju believed that China should insist on the four principles of “Competitive Coexistence”: 1.mutually beneficial policies; 2. competing policies; 3. bilateral confrontation policies; 4. multilateral confrontation policies. There were also five crises that China should prevent from: the Japanese crisis, the former Soviet Union crisis, the international financial crisis, the social crisis, and military security crisis. The strategy China should adhere to was: not claiming to be king, sharing, stabling the market, and ignoring the enemy.
At the second part of the conference, seven experts made their ten-minute statement on US-China trade dispute and world order.
Professor Zhou put forward three viewpoints: First, US-China trade dispute was a long-term problem that might last for about fifty years. Second, US-China trade dispute had little impact on China’s economy. Third, China should adjust the domestic structural policies to face the challenge, where the key was healthy development of urbanization and real estate.
Qiu Dongxiao, Chung Hon-Dak Professor in Economic Development and Associate Dean of the School of Business and Economics at the University of Hong Kong, then discussed the solution to the US-China trade dispute. He agreed with Professor Zhou that the US-China trade dispute would be a long-term problem, and it was also inevitable. Professor Qiu expressed his pessimistic attitude towards the US-China conflicts.
Wang Yong, Professor of the School of International Studies and Director of the Center for International Political Economy at Peking University, delivered a speech “Attention to the New Cold War between China and the United States: China's "shaping" role and countermeasures”. Because the current US-China trade war had upgraded from a tariff war to a technology war, currency war, and financial war, China and the United States might fall into the"Thucydides" trap. China should respond to the increasingly “closed” United States with greater openness, deepen reform, and further cultural exchange. Professor Wang suggested that China should propose to join the CPTPP as soon as possible.
Yin Xiaopeng, Associate Dean of Research Center for International Economics and, Associate Professor of School of International Trade and Economics at University of International Business and Economics, analyzed the four basic viewpoints on US-China trade dispute from the US government and its think-tank in his speech. He pointed out that the current issue was a diversified problem, and there was no consensus among American people. Professor Yin made two proposals: 1. China should pay more attention to legal system construction, which was not only an important solution to resolve dispute, but also the foundation of China’s long-term development. 2. In order to help China better integrate into the world, China should insist on the construction of the international united front.
Cui Fan, Professor of School of International Trade and Economics at University of International Business and Economics and Research Fellow of China National Institute of WTO, said that there were two critical moments next week: WTO’s Appellate Body would shut down on December 10 and the United States planed new tariffs for Chinese goods on December 15. The room and bottom line for negotiation should be a system combing with neutral competition and ownership.
Chen Bo, the Director of Opening and Development Research Center at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, delivered his speech entitled “From Trade War to Financial and Technology War, What should China Do.” He believed that China should deepen reform, accelerate opening up, establish multilateral rules, sign multilateral agreements, properly stimulate the economy, and maintain a stable and healthy development of the domestic economy.
In the subsequent questioning session, the audience representatives raised questions about how China and the United States reached consensus and how to achieve urbanization, where the audience had a lively discussion with the guests.
In the final concluding remarks, Professor Ju mentioned his biggest feelings could be concluded as a word, "confident” ! Compared to today’s conference, he felt that guests and audiences were anxious and even at a loss last year. However, this situation changed since most of Chinese people realized that the US-China dispute was inevitable and would be along-term issue. Professor Ju said: Chinese people are confident and willing to face the problem for a long term and we determined to open to the world and moved forward over the past year. No matter how the US-China trade dispute changed, China was certain to open to American people, American companies and the rest of the world, which accounts for 60% of the world’s GDP. The US-China trade dispute over the past year had tested the Chinese people, Chinese people and opening-up policy were becoming more and more determined and mature.