

发布时间:2019年04月22日         来源:国际金融与经济研究中心CIFER         点击次数: 次         【 打印
1258   国会在台湾问题上的意见


(1)“与台湾关系法”(22 U.S.C.3301 et seq)和对台“六项保证”都是美台关系的基石;
(2) 美国应加强与台湾的防务与安全合作,以支持台湾维持其有能力的、有准备的、国防现代化的自卫能力;
(5)国防部长应该推动国防部关于加强台湾安全的交流政策,包括 –
   (A)与台湾进行实战演练和军事演习的机会; 以及
(6)美国和台湾应扩大在人道主义援助和救灾方面的合作; 以及
It is the sense of Congress that—
(1)the Taiwan Relations Act (22 U.S.C. 3301 et seq.) and the ‘‘Six Assurances’’ are both cornerstones of United States relations with Taiwan;
(2) the United States should strengthen defense and security cooperation with Taiwan to support the development of capable, ready, and modern defense forces necessary for Taiwan to maintain a sufficient self-defense capability;
(3) the United States should strongly support the acquisition by Taiwan of defensive weapons through foreign military sales, direct commercial sales, and industrial cooperation, with a particular emphasis on asymmetric warfare and undersea warfare capabilities, consistent with the Taiwan Relations Act;
(4) the United States should improve the predictability of arms sales to Taiwan by ensuring timely review of and response to requests of Taiwan for defense articles and defense services;
(5) the Secretary of Defense should promote Department of Defense policies concerning exchanges that enhance the security of Taiwan, including—
    (A)opportunities for practical training and military exercises with Taiwan; and
    (B)exchanges between senior defense officials and general officers of the United States and Taiwan consistent with the Taiwan Travel Act (Public Law 115–135);
(6) the United States and Taiwan should expand cooperation in humanitarian assistance and disaster relief; and
(7) the Secretary of Defense should consider supporting the visit of a United States hospital ship to Taiwan as part of the annual ‘‘Pacific Partnership’’ mission in order to improve disaster response planning and preparedness as well as to strengthen cooperation between the United States and Taiwan.
