作者:侯江槐 巫嘉玮
Thank the organizers of CDF to invite me. So, let me explain: the question is what is the cost. First of all, one of the theory about money and the real economy is that the money and real economy should match. So what I have here, the vertical axis is the money, the position of the country’s currency share. And the horizontal axis is actually the GDP share of the country. So from theory, it should be a forty-five-degree line, which means that the GDP share of one country should be matched by the country’s currency in terms of transactions. That’s the theory, that should be applied to the practice.
So let me go to the practice. Well, in practice, if we exclude United States and China, and look at the rest of countries, particularly for Europe. You will see, in practice, it exactingly matches. And for Europe, it’s exactly one to one. The GDP of the Europe is about 16 percent of the world share. And their money share is about 16 percent in the world money transactions. So for the Europe it exactly matches. And you could also see this for Japan and Japanese yuan, for U.K. and British pound, and for many other countries that their money exactly matches the real economy.
Now let’s add US and China and see what happens. Here, we can see, the currency share of the U.S. is about 43% percent. But the GDP share of the U.S. is only less than 25 percent. That’s the US. But how about China? The GDP share is about 15 percent. But China’s RMB share in foreign money transactions is less than 2 percent. So if we considerate US and China, we see mismatch between the real economy and money.
So when we have this mismatch, we say fundamental disalignment. But then what happened? Recall the history, US’s real economy exceeded the Britain in 1894. US dollars take the position exceeding the pound in 1953. It’s not necessarily matching at the same time. It took about 50 years. However, in these mismatch period, there were two world wars. And now we have this mismatch. Is the world economy stable? It is! Before March 23rd, 2018. Before President Trump added the tax to China. Why? Recall this lunch, we heard that Friedman say: “you cannot really treat US and China as two separate economies. At least, before last year.” Yes, it was! One country, two systems.
So if you see US and China as a whole. To add their GDP and money together, what do you have? For GDP share, 25% plus 15% is 40% percent. For money, it should be 43% plus 2% which is 45% percent. It exactingly matches. Because the US and China is the like one country and two systems, and if it were 2018, the world economy was stable, and the real economy and money were matched. So that is what happened, if you ask me what is the real cost for US-China trade war. Before the US-China trade war, this situation of one country, two systems make the world economy alive. It’s stable. However, when we are entering this US-China trade war, when the U.S. and China break up, we enter a fundamentally disalignment period.
Now welcome to our unstable world. What is the cost of US-China trade war? Unstablity for real economy and money. Thank you.